February 2020 **************** HW: 2HDs for gua replaced, replace the new , new harddrives TcB will do wuring next 2 days Network: 2nd floor switch had some issues switches are remounted on the wall. 3rd floor to world to 1Gbps w/int RNA/DNA is 10Gbps other worksations 1gbps at best 1gbps Danny's assistant: said he'd look for the 10G replace and put into 3rd floor server Danny was OK'd from Dean to purchase Gbps+10Gbp for E.A. (ADE) SW DNA: finish SW config for 15.1 repos updates but is SW updated? RSU will do later in day HTTPS: all seems to work see bishoplist email about how to setup/config crontab once a month on the # min hr daymont mon dayweek command 0 5 24 * * /autotmb/home/tmbshare/admin/bin/renew-cert.tcsh see /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/dna.engr.latech.edu.conf and /autotmb/home/tmbshare/admin/cert/renew-cert.log appears to be working s.t. skips if cert is valid and renews if cert will be expiring. CYT: NVIDIA: bishop installed the "hardway" then reinstalled w/ repos VMD complains and does open even for vmd dispdev none check older version vMD DNA: /raid6/projects/usrlocal/ which is not exported from DNA ssh service; config not working SW/HW/SCI SGCI: docker pypi allocation BPS: invites to sat meeting went out QR code: petition: no responses yet No-one has responded to meeting on Sat night anywhere. Physics Flyers images of science for the physics flyer zilong Lab people Images: send to Ran TODO: RAN: lab people images zypper update DNA? VMD+VR and computer quotes vmd on cyt old version SGCI allocation request startup anytime regular schedule is ... Zilong: physics flyer images Pymol+VR and computer quotes docker/django/pymol mathdash for class` Jiahao: computer quotes: VR ++ Bishop: HDs on gua matlalb license cyt ssh config cyt Monday 2/10/20 *************** SW: TODO:TcB ssh cyt fixed edited /etc/firewall/external.conf to include sources w/in the lab nanocar/nanokids: grammar and funciton of simulations see /autotmb/home/nanocar/public_html/Nanocar/HTML/nanocar.odp for png images DNA needs java 1.7 to make library work installed java-1.8openjdk from suse on dna zilong will install java 1.7 from source to make this work HW: 3rd floor biomed switch now at 10Gbps (confirmed > Gbps w/ Cerberus, queenbee, dna,rna) and 2nd floor switches have been remoounted in closet Quote for Computer VR really only works w/ Windows will not work well w/ opensuse ubuntu should work (maybe, we hope, sortof if we use windows) SCI: TACC allocations startup(anytime 2100su stampede and lonestar, 200SU maverich), instruction, research (21000 SU lonestar/stamp and 2100 SU maveric) deadlines, Dec, March, June 1 BPS meeting QR stickers ready to go saturday: werewolf at 8. bishop will confirm if time/place are appropriate BPS REVIEWS: RAN:talk: 2:30 ZLI: talk 2:30 review poster, DONE: java1.7 works on DNA for nanokids and nanocar (tmblibrary) ADM: TODO: rsu/zli cimmer survey rsu/zli physics flyer; email from zli007 all done rsu/zli BPS werewolf at 8pm... allows time before late night menu TCB: SGCi survey ALL: revisit quotes well under $4000 (3500) 32G ram, whisper, 1-2X Geforce 2060; many cores (xeon/ryzen) 2x10Gbps-RJ45(10-Gigabit X540-AT2), SAS capable, monitor, mouse,keyboard, UPS, 5year warranty,