January 2020 ***************** MOnday 1/13/2020 ********************* HW: TODO:Setup CYT and old DNA DONE:Move ADE to Engineering Annex TODO:Move CIMMHub to 303, install rail Gua HD is failing Zilong: TODO:Meeting on Thursday afternoon TODO:G-Dash minor revision Abstract, RMSD, C.G. model TODO:Magic Snake paper RSU: TODO:Meeting on Tuesday 1:30/2:00 TODO:Plans for kinking paper and PCA TODO:Check modeling process for 601 and NucA 177bp sequence vs. helical parameters Reading from Watson strand vs. Crick strand Jiahao: TODO:Meeting on Wednesday morning 11:00 TODO:3D surface plot for all six hps from hdf5 files BPS: Feb 15-19 Talk-->rsu Poster-->Zilong TODO: Logo design for MGO subgroup, QR code with logo in the middle TODO: 100 signatures, how this is going to work out Others: Feb 6-->NSF proposal Feb 24-->Zilong goes to NYU March 7-->Graduation for Zilong Monday Jan 27, 2020 ************************** HW: 2X HDs for GUA ordered CIMMHUb moved to Server Room. certification: zli007 has private keys setup for access to cimmhub wout password see ~zli007/.ssh for keys notes on how to activate/refresh certificate will be sent via email to group by zilong ADE moved to E.A. Gbps switch for EA w/ Schales/Higam in works it's 100Mbps CYT setup? NVIDIA rsu installed all software and repos from gua nvidia drivers are still problem nouveau drivers are being used RSU removed and reinstalled via YAST this breaks the Nvidia drivers for CYT GTX 8800 card.. (old ) did not try installed "the hard way" from source and compile FIREWALL/SSH access? rsu/zli/jli will fix this by the end of hte week SW: HTTPS: on DNA: zli will fix this by the end of hte week PyPY and John Gentle: zli: will follow up on pypy and genomedashboard.py ACCESS KEYS zli will get this by the end of hte week or sooner and verify acces and put note in TMB-lab group emil on what to do to get access privare keys access from John Gentle` tmbshare will have notes too. Docker on TMB5: zl: dockers installed and working and can make and application zli will give demo during to group thursday yppasswords on DNA...others...? RSU will track down what is/is not working correctly passwords don't update ALL: will review SSH and Firewall config of all computers in the group SCI: SGCI: Fronter Allocation Request RSU: will find announcment and deadline and details and forms collect the info : SW rquirements vmd,amber, namd, gdash, HW requirements containers and timeing and gpu use etc.. zli should request xsede portal account if not already goal: is run Gdash local container and submit to TACC queue or run internactive as container on TACC resources w/ push of HPC to queue or even interactive... BPS: poster reviews? zilong thursday give poster review AND docker demo talk review RAN Tuesday is Ran's talk: :20minutes papers: ran discusses the paln with bishop zli schedules time to review/submit w/ bishop both should be done befreo wed CLASS STUFF Jiahao: wed update on PCA outline of you paper or summary of results see the "syllabus" deadlines review the "syllabus" and plans for completing Phys261/2 TCB push out ran's email to class on Monday BPS: QR code updated see email form zilong places to eat.DRInks instead time it for 9:30 meeting spot a hotel or conv. center make a shareable spreadsheet w/ name times available : 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 3-4 spots spots: conv. center, zli/rsu hotle lobby/bar, bishop hotel lobby/bar, other bar1 , other bar 2 IMP DATES: Feb 15-19 BPS Feb 20 Zilong to NYC Feb 24-->Zilong goes to NYU March 7-->Graduation for Zilong