September 2019 Fall 1/4 ***************** Wed Sept 4 *********** 1) HW: cimmhub up: yes: GUA's RAID6 at 100% means backups are failing others mostly OK RNA is OpenSuse 42.3 ... some security issues here 2) SW: certificates: CIMM is good DNA has cronjob /autotmb/home/tmbshare/admin/bin/renew-cert.tcsh see /autotmb/home/tmbshare/admin/cert/renew-cert.log zypper update no recently. last one end july...tmb5 check the repos in /etc/zypp/repos.d (same as appear in yast2) try to resolve by idenfying the conflicxt in yast2 3) Admin stuff appointment letters bishop has to sign his ran (on cimm) after zilong graduates cimm 4) Science TMB Library: JCIM under review GDash: BJ to be resubmitted Sept 13 GDash VM 5) University stuff graduation PoS stuff RSU: oral exam: doodle for end sept. see PoS: Swayer, derosa, ramu, vlachos, newman, bishop spring Zilong: sept 20 draft is due at University oct 4 must have defense done pradeep, turner, hou, gerganov grp meetings 6) BPS Feb 15-19 in San Diego. Member organized session on nucleosomes dues sept 16... list of speakers and titles Ran w/ all atom sims ... 7) SGCI: regular meetings monday G-Dash VM w/ bsihop python w/ zilong JG?: DONE: organized all papers on overleaf TODO: Ran: POS update w/ course info and verify substitutions schedule your oral defense a.s.a.p TODO: zilong: POS (plan of study)verify, verify, verify TODO: zilong: check next release of OpenSuSe and make plan to upgrade to Opensue 15XX TODO: ran: finish zypper updates TODO: bishop: follow up w/ JCIM publish agreement TODO: calendar updates zilong deadlines ran deadlines Group meeting 9/11 ********************* HW): GUA out of disk space -> backups not working SW): matlab 2019a works on all zypper update all workstations and DNA RNA is almost out of life 42.3 needs 15.1 15.0 ends nov 2019... 15.1 is avail. Sci): JCIM: TMB-Lib accepted need to watch for proofs GDash: NanoCar: MagicSnake Kinks: BPS2020: Abstracts Oct 1 bishop has listed RSU on the list SGCI: Adm): PlanStudy (POS) RSU: oral Oct 1: 8-9 (not calendar) TA T/TH for Phys 262 2-6 w/ Rahoul that's it ZLI: if not this grad. this 1/4 then timeline is free up until the end of 1/4 HAVE to get info from Collin wick Teaching: NOTE: Writing: Sandi Richardson: get business cards in grad office Paula Brown in the writing center in wyly Wed 9/18/2019 ********************** ZLI met w/ Brown and writing center...1 hr/day is free RSU not yet DONE: SGCI VM../w/ the minimal GDash-min 20GB vm but it works... needs old matplotlib and other stuff TODO: reduce to 12GB can be found in ~bishop/VirtualBox\ VMs/GDash-VM/ TcB will move to ~tmbshare once it's shrunk BPS: abstracts DUE Tues OCT 1. we have 8 speakers + 1? go for 16? TcB asked BPS about DONE: Oral swcheduled for Oct 1. from 8-9 Sept 25, 2019 ******************* HW: 3rd floor still 10-50Mpbs to outside world Danny is working on new switch part has been since 9/11 or 9/12 almost 2weeks SW: zypper update; postgress on TMB5 was linked to leap tumbleweed please check that /etc/zypp/repos.d/ is same on all computers (except RNA b/c tha's old suse) unify the workstations unify the servers... rna and dna should be "the same" SCI: zilong's paper on track for Friday? ran's oral on track for Thursday TODO: for 9/25 have BPS abstracts ready... get them submitted before 9/27 get them done by email TODO: a list of "missing" sims has been generated needs to be computed see list from email on 9/20 subject sims failed in tmb library see xls in /autotmb/home/rsu007/Public/sim-failed LATER: install/upgrade to RNA to 15.1... date in november have it serve as backup for eve3ryting GUA,ADE no longer really needed plan for backups, solved by RNA cominb backup w/ 15.1