June 2019 Group Labbook **************** 5/31/2019 ********* calendars and plans: Ran Zilong Deonte CIMM: poster printed ICME talk Albany: Capruso: SGCI: 6/5/2019 ******************* MISC: ARFs/registration/reimbursements ARF for RSU and ZLI are good thru June 30 will be extended thru summer and fall later in june zynthia/cimm is for Zilong brook/grad school is for Ran cimm-symp w/ rachel all done lbrn: alexis is checking HW: disk space and reorganization of stuff relocate CIMMhub is cimmhub being backed up? networking SW: Amber on DNA and on laptop notes from Deonte on linux config. cuda/opencl? integ w/ tmblab systems? root password? CIMM: meeting take home? Deonte: laptop config HD setup software config? nanocar: refs/reviews RSU: albany poster review 601 figures and outline any new calcs to do? ZLI: loop model w/ 1CPN magic snake HPtools... where can we find it Django; is there a "quick" tutorial/overview that does something ************************ Group meeting 6/19 *************** HW: RNA: /dev/sda1 74T 68T 6.1T 92% /mount not actively used: full trajectories and OLD home data are here. DNA: /dev/sda1 66T 21T 45T 32% /raid6 active/current home directory ibiomes all dewatered trajectories missing: dna:/raid6/projects/ trajectories and biologic sims pgpub and others from travers etc.. dna:/autoOLD/simulations/biologic which is rna:/mount ADE: /dev/md127 20T 16T 3.4T 83% /raid5 /scratch contains 2x 1uS 601 sims w/ water. the dewatered ones are in ibiomes and old backups SW: Amber18: installed on all + AmberTools19 ; installed on DNA must set environment variables deonte has it on the laptop Web: fix HTTPS for DNA lets encryp zilong upldate DNA this morning see email on 6/19 to bishoplab on how to do this this should be made into a cron job it's already done on cimmhub... have to older version Science: ZLI:GDash RSU: 1CPN 601: still creating images have images for kinking analysis Deonte TcB: Funding: