March 8 2017 *************** 3:30-5:00 regular time NEWS: CLASS: MWF class stuff LAS: ZLI & RSU / BLAINE?? CIMM in BR 3/11 3/18 3/ SPS LIGO trip March 17,18,19 Blue Waters symposium: DC trip; MaRCH 22-28 DEMO/VIDEO of ICM-GB SW vmd updated to 1.9.3 jmol 14.9 in /usr/local/bin but not for hte web education and science repositories cuda(nvidia) vs opencl(industry standard; nvidia,intel,amd) swift on ADE??? almost HW opencl capable laptop batteries for the ADE (APC 1500???) and for GUA (cyberpower 1500AVR) TCB AAA: send bishop link to the JCE little susie paper . CLH:??? recommendations? ZLI: RSU March 15 2017 *************** AAA excused. BGR: noshow /autotmb/home/tmbshare/Public/Teaching/COES-INNOV CTH: everyweek keep updating /autotmb/home/tmbshare/Public/Teaching/COES-INNOV TCB: order laptops w/ sharon from Howards opencl installed on laptop from yast AAA needs to install opencl tools and libraries on workstations RSU/ZLI I signed up posters for CECAM March 22, 2017 ***************** aaa/cth/rsu/zli HW/SW ******** 2bit installed on all opencl and nvidia conflict lammps install on DNA CTH: ******* ade 104% ls /home/tmbshare/Public/Teaching/COES-INNOV/ CurriculumInfo/ Proposal/ src/ ade 105% AAA: ******* google drive LittleSusie folder from TMBLab Wb page -> Lab -> Google drive or RSU: ******* paperps pappers papers.... ibiomes works and is available 601 ZLI ******* changed nucs.tx s.t. only check sterics for "small" < 10,000bp (2000 dna atoms) structures added chromatosome pdbent: 4QLC see refs:Zhou2015.pdf March 29 ******************* AAA, ZLI, RSU, CTH HW: battery SW: simplescreeen recorder