Feb 2017 ************ ACTION: tom cuts track organize travel: TO bps: sunday/monday night stay POSTERS ARE 1:45-3:45 mONDAY review program SW: HW: CIMM status report HUB: Ran and kaming at 1pm AAA: tech symposium Zli Ran Conn: materials ************************************************************ Wed Feb 15 ************************************************************ AAA, RSU HW: SW: Science/News and Stats LAS/ AAA: JOEC; http://jocse.org/ see info on how to submit an article. install swift from uchicago on all machines BGR: find manuscript on how to run aMD for a nucleosome setup our sims for this on BW watch simulation 1-100ns w/& w/out tails measure RMSD for dna and histone core look at tails initial conditions: w/ and w/out Tails literature searcha 1) aMD orginal ref and follow up w/ citations to it 2) sim. annealing: review for biological apps look for temperature ranges used Wednesday 2/22/2017 ********************************** TcB: ask shodor if AAA poster suitable as paper for JOCSE? AAA,RSU,ZLI, CTH . NOT: BGR calendar: DONE: HW: SW: WRITING: Nuclesome DB: ibiomes on ade JComp.Info... same as ibiomes pub. 601 w/ and w/out Tails BJ. ICM-GB: go to same place as the orignal ICM. NAR? LittleSusie: JoCSE http://jocse.org/submitProcedure/ ALL TODO: find the "instructions to authors" from each journal's web page upcoming: LAS march 11, CIMM-RSV march 22-27, LesHouches April2-7 PEARC2017.. July in New Orleans/ XSEDE/ find the other conference. Research Summit. Anthony is invited