November 2016 ******************* Wed Nov 9 ************* aaa,zli, ran SW: nov 18 all will get updated to opensuse leap stable 42.2 will do by just updating checks: vbox, movies, VMD/cuda, should all work APACHE not running on ade nvidia-smi and nvidia-settings to monitor/control fan speeds HW: Science TODO's AAA; please send list of HW/quotes to Bisop again we need to act on these before the break s.t. can do them dring break RSU: will start the M-nuca-177/1kx5 sims on queenbee.. use /home/tmbshare/bin/quenamd-qb.tcsh* and /home/tmbshare/bin/runnamd-qb.tcsh* as templates needs to make progress on ibiomes on ade ZLI: python version ICm runs and gives correct energies and can handle tet/oct/hex... recommended that ZLI do following a) benchmark ICM++ vs. and see if easy to run from within VMD .. these effect direction forward b) update ICM-GB to use (or run ICM-GB from w/in VMD if can easily be done) c) add the LAMMPs minimizer to the interace a-c will be sufficient for poublictiaon for the Biopyhysical meeting in Feb ALL: todo: see about running a hub w/in a virtual environment and spend time learning how to make a hub run/work November 16 *********** Zilong and Ran TODO AAA's updates funding and TA trip to CA funding poster SimS: Ran/BGR and QB2 ER-ERE Sims from Randy Break Plans Thurs Nove 17: grading make ER-ERE sims for Ran Friday nove 18: computer,sims and prep MTW: chromatin meeting in Sport/ class prep M cc meeting Li would need ridadfkajssdf Th Thanksgiving Friday M-W: get rredy again TODO: check w/ gergana and others about S'port on Monday Thursday and friay are work days TA: ENGR492 conflicts w/ Math415/CSC470 conflicts Nov 30 ******************* AAA, ZLI, RSU,... BGR??? DONE: send Ran class info Business: 0) TcB: SHI poster and web firefox support for RSU and ZLI RSU(CIMM) and ZLI( supported )` 1) AAA: report on HW and other all workstations updated to 42.2 one error: filesystem package alt F1 -console not graphics zypper update reboot -> goes into console mode b/c not nvidia drivers reinstall nvidia /autotmb/home/aaa029/Downloads/ reboot once more and all is good cuda not fully working (no VMD) matlab works on all but TMB5d vlc and youtube work TODO: make hangout, CUDA, audio-on-ade, stereo on ADE need to work quotes for stuff data,data, AND SPACE web running on ade 2) Ran Sun overview/summary of IBIOMES application and IBIOME-descrption papers. overview of Panchenko's trajectory publication paper outline of Ran's Papers on IBIOMES data base of Nucleosome Sims: TABLE of SIMS How they are all arranged methods used RMSD in cc results MAX/min/avg/simple stats of DNA helical parameters Global Sequence alignment TIMELINE for Getting it DONE Outlne of BPS poster 3) ZIlong LI plans for the BPS TIMELINE of todos btweeen now and BPS meeting Outline of BPS poster outline of ICM++ manuscript based on Model off of ICM by Stolz new features: chromatin model... see antony's RICE manuscript (ask anthony for this) diff. types of nucleosomes integration w/ Dalliance timing results?