Octomber 2016 **************** Wed Oct 5 ************* HW: tmb5 makes noise GUA's dead disk returned thanks aaa029 cable management UPS for ade SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY:;; what replaces TCP wreappers/ hosts.allow/deny SW: python work everywhere kernel 4.4.21-2 on some vs. 4.4.19-1- see roadmap https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Roadmap SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY:;; what replaces TCP wreappers/ hosts.allow/deny Discuss: organize tmbshare & google & web?? how to? still seeking answers... Science: TIMELINES: RSU: Wed oct 12 ************* RSU007, ZLI007, bgr013, no aaa029 HW: new HD for gua being shipped other Points of Interest PoI .... SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY:;; what replaces TCP wreappers/ hosts.allow/deny sound on ADE is not working SW: HD5 works on ade,tmb4,5,gua matlab2016B see AAA about release 2x yearly for matlab and how to manage BGR: ZLI: RSU: review manuscript and data Wed Oct 19 ***************** HW: HD for GUA installed and running but not active in raid USB charger UPS for ade keyboards/mice power for screen cable management for ade/littlefe etc.. SW: dell's virtual workspace VDI solution w/ pandas and pytables python2 vs python3 and spyder working gua not ade RSU: ABSTACT FOR Weedeman and Shodor HPC /VIS/workflows due Oct 24 IBiomes status and TODO for ADE from GUA CIMMHUB: http://www.efrc.lsu.edu/ AAA029: setup HOWTO's for chimmhub RSU/ZLI jump start CIMM materials long term is a "cimmHUB WEEK" were content is uploaded TODO: timeline data move to ADE/ibiomes setup Wed Oct 26 ******************* met early b/c meeting conflict for bishop at 4 in Bogart HW: SW: RSU: ibiomes also thesis and 601 paper ZLI: BGR: halloween in park CIMMHUB: MEETING friday on hangout