July 2016 ****************** June 22 ********** blaine, anthony, li, ran projector: CIMM: NOTES: June 25: NIH propposal due need data: RSU: redo six plots same axis values /autotmb/simulations/rsu007/simulation/601-data/1KX5 range and K=14 seem OK BGR: 601wT(440) and 601nT (185) ZLI: AAA: tiny sue works w/ some automount/nfs issues big sue seems to work but not iso/HD install tested shoudl give tinysue all it needs w/ the NFS mounts June 29 ********** HW/SW: matlab & SAS download install vbox some version mismatch or something updates install leap on all projector CIMM: the lab will present two posters 1 paper July 11 Poster 1: update the old hub how to "Hub How TO" ~tmbshare/Public/Posters/2016/CiMM-Tech-April8/CIMM_Poster_tcblab_v9.odp k Poster 2: accessing RW hdf5 data on the hub "Data Management/Sharing on the Hub" and demo some softwares registration grad retreat RSU?? paper & poster: review of old and new websties https://cimmhub.laepscor.org/ http://cimmhub.lsu.edu/resources/browse making new hub look like old hdf5 view, manipulate hdf5 couple it w/ web https://www.hdfgroup.org/products/hdf5_tools/SWSummarybyType.htm pandas: rsu: tilt, rmsd-H2A pytables: rsu: slide, rmsd-H3 hdfview java: aaa: twist, rmsd-H2A paraview: bgr: roll, rmsd-pro matlab: zilong: shift, rmsd-nuc R: zilong: rise, rmsd-H4 SAS: ?? OTHERS: bishop RSU: post an HDF5 file w/ data someplace local AND on the new hub ALL: access by url , by filename ,thru hub howto determine data content howto make a quick plot, plots howto do some calculations w/ data -stats: mean,std,range,histogram normality tests -advanced calcs Fourier Filter normal mode analys/PCA curve fit bishop: iBIOMES on ADE http://ade.engr.latech.edu/~ibiomes/sims/ see email 6/17 old groups http://cimmhub.lsu.edu/groups/browse and development plan at 6/17/2016 The Symposium will be held on Monday, July 25 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Lod Cook in Baton Rouge. Here is the information for proceedings and posters, to book a hotel sleeping room and to register for the meeting. Please kindly disseminate this to the students and participants. So far we have 11 people registered for the Symposium and no posters/proceedings. Here are three deadlines that you need to know. Deadlines: Proceedings July 11 Hotel-Sleeping Rooms July 4 Registration July 20 ALL: see notes above test hdf5 data/viz get hub account on new hub projector meet friday 8:30 move tv check projector RSU hdf5 data posted for file/localweb/hub updated for the ECTMB meeting tom needs to make outline of talk BGR accounts ??? sim status 601wt 528 601nt 302 transfers and analysis tom needs to follow up on account access ZLI some new/old buttons mixing w/ ICM++ the energyi minimizer 1) jsmol instead of jmol see at /home/www/htdoc/icm 2) hide the 1kx5 button 3) add a "temperature" slider 4) right click "send to icm" to have 3x options a) automatic b) 30nm: c) positions ?5) "energy minimization" 5) make data show up properly in plot 6) rework entire thing to use ICM++ /python AAA update: R,rstudio, matlab,HDview w/ java, and make OPensuse 13.x to leap VirtualBox running little Sue did they do anything ******************************************* July 6: Discuss CIMM