Group Meetings March 2016 **************************** Wed March 16 ************** HW/Computer Stuff opensuse updates on all updated opensuse leap on cyt SW/Vbox Ran will provide a recipe for install win7 via virtual box on any user directory put all info in /home/tmbshare/Downloads puta READme in there on how to Conferences/Reports Etc LAS reschedule: AAA: April 23 TcB 2 UK: TcB 2 SanDiego RSU 2 BW? BGR: may30-june10 E&S Day a 9:00 am to noon on Monday, April 11th to give a 20 minute presentation/demonstration pertaining to your field or research notice due Friday March 18 max of 30students at a time Use Bishop's SoS talk and make molecs will need small budget for supplies beads etc.. Can setup the little fe too SHIRT SIZES NEEDED: tcb: L rsu: L aaa: XX bgr: M Science Hub status please all register Cimm/hub meetings Simulations Papers/Proposal and "stuff-like-that" BW-allocation request: current one ends May 30 TODO: bgr: request accounts on LONI and BW tcb&rsu: renew allocation on BW Wed March 23 ************* HW: cyt leap 4x SW: matlab licenses installed on all w/ current version 2016 using tech's univ. license NOTE: please check if all have rwx access to /home/tmbshare/ Update on Confs etc..see ICCS June or July ETSMB June or July CIMM April 8 E&S day demo April 11 print out 3x nkucleosomes on biomed maker bot OR at thingery BW/LONI usage strategy and allocation request please check it out as this is what we'll report on at CIMM tech meeting Discuss: BW plans RSU: 21 positions of 601-177 full tails w/ 1kx5 on BW BGR: 21 positions of 601-177 not tails w/ 1kx5 on LONI TODO: bishop copies E&S to TMBshare setup lab notes as a google shared folder meet anthony 9a to do little fe stuff on friday ran will setup groups on CIMMhub as per email from bishop anthony and ran will become cimmhub users March 30, 2016 ***************** HW: cyt & leap 42.1 SW: matlab on all?: still needs update /usr/local/matlab/bin/matlab is the old one group web stuff: the google links seem to work Accounts: aded BGR to LONI allocation 1312500.00 1312500.00 01/01/2016 12/31/2016 True Dell_Cluster loni_mtv_2016 see storage allocation Nucleosome Positioning in the MMTV mtv_2016hd 125 approved 149 RAN: ask LONI how to get access to the mtv_2016HD E&S: have the nucleosomes been printed? BWIP: access for Blaine?