November 13 2015 ******************* Grp meeting Thanksgiving survey? who's here: anik,ran, anthony(?), dilip(?) sandeep 11/18-12/9 out who's coming to house 11/26 thanksgiving day (*time: tbd?) ran and anik yes HW: new batteries: cyt&ade and rna(?) will have to come down momentarily new HDs: ade will get 2x new HDs mouse/keyboard: THESE ARE RECHARGABLE: don't lose them anik weekly reports Sandeep: by tuesday 11/17 a working, validated energy function will exist in ICM++ validate: means printe out "known" energies using a) a set of test input files b) ICM++'s routines for assigning values to HPs etc... c) hardcoded values Anthony: out(?) will be working next week to install/config batteries Ran: Anik: Dilip: working in apps. in physics Group Meeting 11/20 ************************* denis, anik, ran, anthony out of town sandeep dilip missing SW/HW updates lots SW updates are needed anthony will do Anik: LONI allocation request Ran: calc-rmsd class presentations