Group meeting **************** Sept 3 ************** TcB: add cam and ran to the DNA and put linkss on the group's "lab links page" ask anthony baout doing a unix power tools write up login for ran double check calendara add happy hr. Thurs 5-6/ Scie 6-7/8 Friday group meeting 2:30-3:45 HW/SW: new keyboards/maybe memory fixed Announcements/Planning Group Meeting Time: Friday 2:30pm Group Calendar: (liman please fill in) *************** Physics Biweekly Faculty meeting Bishop's Group meeting Friday 2:30pm TESC adobe meeting (thursday noon -1pm) LASIGMA Talks (see the lasigma site) Physics Talks/LASigGMA Thurs 3:30 CTH 328 Biology/New Frontiers Math Seminar Series Reports: do all of htis on Linked in AND put a propoer link in your ~/public_html s.t. it rolls ovre to linkeed in as you want it to List of posters presented and conferences attended Title of poster, Authors, Place presented, Date, location notes: e.g. 2nd place in poster competition Plans: Bishop Lab Users Guide: Linux/OpenSuse: firefox, thunderbird, libreoffice (see priya's public_html) JabREF: (james) Unix Shell Tools tcsh: for, while ,if etc... loops grep, awk sed, find ls , cd, pwd tclsh Science Tools pubmed, googlescholar, library, Power Tools svn, eclipse, swig, irods, zypper rpm -qa Simulations Stuff (sufian) VMD: see tutorials NAMD: see tutorials LAMMPS: see cam Sept 19 ************* HW/SW: fixed bluefish on all ? eclipse:seems I've lost it (/usr/local/ appears to be the problem) passwords/logins: can we all get logged in DNA vs RNA vs. other sites TMB4: something up w/ the xdm... did the "hardway install of nvidia drivers" DONE: gsissh: can now gsissh to any xsede machine from any of our local computers admin on all zypper lr --uri | grep -i glob zypper ar Globus zypper in gsi-openssh done all all machines (cyt,ade,gua,rna,dna,tmb1,3,4,5) onall "which gsissh" passed new keyboard for ADE... it works extra keyboard/mouse in closet new speakers NOTE: suspend and background of a running job does not allow return to fg is this proper behavior? TODO: google group page google drive and emails and discussions replies w/in the group work but emails to group do not work. SCIENCE: please report questions/problems about the NAMD/VMD tutorials Cam did a VMD intro/tutorial NEXT WEEK: I give the physics thursday seminar on Curves in Space and Time: Appications to DNA, ships and elastic rods. or somethign like that Sept 26 ****************** group meetings at 2:30 SW: still missing ecllipsse show3ecd them thunderbird HW: no issues project updates from all C,W,A workign on paper JLI: finish Patrick's write up next week Pardhu? Gaynadeep: needs eclipse Venkat: still needs to get replica is working will have seq/par reader by next week s.t. works priya Priya: copied: XSEDE ressubmit to /home/tmshare/Public/proposals SUFIAN: needs to put HMTV and MMTV document syou have in /home/tmbshare/Public/Projects/HM-MTV BPS meeting abstracts due Wed . meet if Feb7-11, 2015 in Baltimore APS meeting in San Antonio march(? ) abstracts due later in OCt Regional and National ACS ?? TODO: send XSEDE proposalt to venkat VMD/namd and nucleosome sims install eclipse kepler (vps will send bishop thelink )