Wed July 16 Group Meeting ************************** HW: all good now SW: bluefish (check install) ICm stuff armadillo lapack,blas need fixing c++ libraries iBIOMES tomcat for webserver DONE: indy/gka: got ElHassen working next is poster and timings(done) Priya: venkat: all sims are done doxygen for parfilemaker is done TODO: gka/indy: tell bishop commandline etc.. 2011 std c++ library(?) install tomcat on lasigma priya; linear model of positons Jmol to jsmol venkat rsync or cp -p files to /simulations indy/gka poster UPCOMING: indy goes to NO for work bishop goes to NO for fun lasgima registration for Aug 1 indys repsentaiton Aug 1 lasgima big BR-poba is Aug 18 lab poster's due by Aug (registration) lasigma pool party bishop's house July 31 Toms Birthday July 17 Vijii's wdding July 4 Cake