Group Meetings Wed April 2013 8Am ********************* coarse grain models nucleosome and chromatin i TODO: primo-primona: install and use on our system is there a nucleosome sim w/ this TOM has to install primo/primona and send info to other Wed May 1 2013 8am *********************** SOme items: 1) coarse grained modeling w/ Primo-primona won't yet work I contacted the guy. 2) find way to parameterize nucleosome with expresso I need a summary of parameters 3) espresso tutorial see 4) VMD timeline plug-in... I need some data done this way 5) we have windows on our machines... (maybe) 6) collect talks and presentations that folks have given. 6a) chem. advisory meeting Friday... need nuggets 7) plans for next few weeks/summer... news on LBRN. routing forms?