Tues June 5 3pm Grp meeting ************* Victoria: explain dA:dT, TpA, etc... notations for DNA sequences REVIEW: /autotmb/home/tmbshare/refs/Luge1997.pdf Wed-Fri June 6-8 ***************** Continue to run some namd simulations, make some graphs of the output and update a python script that James Solow and I started on. Take a look at the files in /autotmb/home/bishop/Public/REU-RET2012/bin specifically : namdenr, namdplot the two py files will be ones that you edit copy all of these to your bin directory i.e. to ~/bin/ or equivalently /home/USERNAME/bin/ to run the simulations in the back ground I've updated the files in /autotmb/home/bishop/Public/REU-RET2012/NAMD/hormone-receptor you should be able to make the same updates to the Nucleosome directory copy run-namd-backgrnd.tcsh and 1ere-e2-backgrnd.conf to whatever directory you have been working in. in a shell you can start namd in the background with the command ./run-namd-backgrnd.tcsh 20 > some.log & this will run namd on 20 processors (you should use 4 or less) and output to "some.log" once done namdplot BOND ANGLE DIHED IMPR ELECT VDW vs TS some.log will make a pretty plot of the output you can also start up VMD to see what happened and read the log file in VMD Thursday June 7 ***************** 3PM group meeting running namd for the nucleosome and hormone-receptor examples using python see python documentation at http://www.python.org/doc/ Friday June 8 *************** GOAL: reprocess the namd outputs (dcd files) to generate energies for a subset of the atoms in the system using the gui in vmd or via command line tools Rocky and James working on FFT's in python Toria: ? should be running namd/vmd to extract energies from saved dcd files for nucleosome Week of June 11-15 ********************** Begin working with Bishop's data files -convert dcd to helical parm files for rajib's nucleosome sims -extract protein-DNA interaction and DNA self energy from rajib's nucleosome sims Week of June 26 ***************** -development of python scripts for helical paramter analysis -convert standard tasks to subroutines or modules that we'll use -get nucleosome sims running for any sequence -include helix parmeter extraction -include protein-dna interaction energies